Brewelist Advent Calendar 2018 – Graveyard Keeper from Lazy Bear Games and TinyBuild Games

There are no shortage of RPG-style farming sims out there. Stardew Valley, the addictive favorite, My Time at Portia, a current work in progress and others seem to join the market all the time.

Graveyard Keeper, while in the same style and vein of game is a decidedly different take on the genre. You are transported to a strange medieval world under unusual circumstances and must figure out how to get back to your love.

If you weren’t already a fish out of water, you’re also the town’s Graveyard Keeper. But tending to the town’s dead isn’t your only responsibility, as you’ll soon learn.

You can farm, you can build, you can craft, you can neglect, you can make friends or foes of the townspeople and people in power. Really, you have a lot of options and the character development, while light, does give you a quick idea of where people stand in town.

Energy, i.e. what keeps you running can be in short supply and unless you’re active with making energy potions or foods to sustain you, you’re probably going to be sleeping a lot or spending time in your meditation garden (an option made available in the Breaking Dead content release).

The developers recently added the option for zombie helpers, where you sacrifice burial certificates (your sole means of income early in the game) to do your bidding at various sites on the map. This does make the gathering aspect of the game a bit more convenient, but takes some time to get in place.

The game is actively under development, so I look forward to seeing where the game goes over time.

Though frustrating at times, and the UI is perhaps a little less advanced than other games, it’s still a workable and enjoyable way to pass the time. I’ve logged literally hundreds of hours on the title and I’m only partially through the game.

Special thanks to Lazy Bear and TinyBuild for the assets and for the review copy used to create this review. Brewelist has not received any compensation or incentive to give anything but our honest opinions on this game.

Brewelist Rating: 8/10
Style: RPG
Price (List): $19.99
Where to get it: Steam
Developer: Lazy Bear Games
Publisher: Tiny Build

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