Drinking Quest: Journey into Draught Brings the Party Back to Kickstarter

You may recall that dontforgetatowel.com reviewed the Drinking Quest Trilogy, which was funded to fruition in 2014. This hybrid of a drinking game and tabletop RPG has taken the indie gaming world by storm and continues to grow.

Anarchy’s most recent Kickstarter success is the more Zen card game Haiku Warrior. This game expands the Drinking Quest Universe and brings back many of our old friends from the original Trilogy.

As of this writing, the game has hit its funding goal and has 28 days remaining for us to hit all the luscious stretch goals I’m sure he has planned. (Such as stylish and hilarious coasters of our favorite colleagues).


Backers can choose many tiers, some of which also give you discounted access to previous games by Jason Anarchy. I can vouch personally for the quality and hilarity of the games and if you and yours are good at RPGs, it’s a fun addition to any get together.

I mean…there are cards with Sexy Cthulu and Earl Grey Hot.

Check out the campaign on Kickstarter here.

Animal Gods and Boris the Spider by Spider Bite Beer Company

This edition of the podcast, we pair the game Animal Gods from Still Games with the dark brew Boris the Spider by Spider Bite Beer Company from Long Island, NY. Nothing like battling a bunch of creatures and solving puzzles while slowly getting buzzed on a fantastic dark stout. Take a listen to our adventures below!

You can pick up the game on their website, or through STEAM. Visit the Spider Bite Beer Co. website to see where to get your hands on this brew.

Check our Facebook page for updates, along with our Twitter and Instagram. We also have an UnTappd account where you can see what we’re drinking; and you can catch us on iTunes for your listening pleasure.

Any ideas you have for a game to play and a drink to go along with it? Email us: brewelist@gmail.com.

Stay Thirsty and Play Indie!

*We were lucky enough to be provided with a review copy of the game for MAC from the publisher.

Kill the Plumber and Genny Cream Ale

What’s more fun than sipping back on a classic brew and playing a classic game? We couldn’t think of anything so we decided to take the Mario-esque game Kill the Plumber and pair with Rochester NY’s own, Genesee Cream Ale. Classic times all around.

You can pick up the game on their website, or through STEAM. Stop by Genesee Brewing to get your hands on this ale.

Check our Facebook page for updates, along with our Twitter and Instagram. We also have an UnTappd account where you can see what we’re drinking; and you can catch us on iTunes for your listening pleasure.

Any ideas you have for a game to play and a drink to go along with it? Email us: brewelist@gmail.com.

Stay Thirsty and Play Indie!

Epistory and Palate Shifter Imperial IPA from Captain Lawrence Brewery

We’re back with the first episode of 2016! It’s a big year for the Brewelist Podcast and we decided to start it off with a bang! We paired the Palate Shifter Imperial IPA from Captain Lawrence Brewery, with the game Epistory from Fishing Cactus Games! Listen to the episode and enjoy!

Grab the game on STEAM right now!

Check our Facebook page for updates, along with our Twitter and Instagram. We also have an UnTappd account where you can see what we’re drinking; and you can catch us on iTunes for your listening pleasure.

Any ideas you have for a game to play and a drink to go along with it? Email us: brewelist@gmail.com.

Stay Thirsty and Play Indie!

Brewelist Advent Calendar Day 25: DuClaw Brewing Company Sweet Baby Jesus

Here we are, on the final day of the Brewelist Advent Calendar! It’s been a full twenty-five days of games, beer and sharing, which is what the season is all about.

The beer that inspired this entire project is about to be reviewed – Sweet Baby Jesus from DuClaw Brewing Company. So steal a few seconds, grab a cold one and read on.

Where to find it: Mid Atlantic Region Supermarkets, Beer Shops, Gas Stations, etc.

ABV: 6.2%

Style: Porter

Availability: Year-Round

Taste/Smell: The beer smells and tastes like dark chocolate. If you remember the dark chocolate Reese’s cups, that’s pretty much what it’s like. The beer is thick and dark and offers both flavors without being sweet at all. You may be left with some bitter notes but they do not detract from the overall flavor.

Rating (out of 10): 9/10

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the Brewelist Crew!

Brewelist Advent Calendar Day 24: Ellicottville Brewing Co.’s Lloyds Christmas Ale

Lloyd’s Christmas Ale – Festively brewed ale with fresh ginger and fig.

Where to find it: They distribute locally near the brewery and to select locations in New York and Pennsylvania. You can find their distribution map here: http://www.ellicottvillebrewing.com/find-us/find-our-breweries-retailers-and-distributors/

ABV: 8%

Style: Belgian Brown Ale

Availability: seasonally in the winter

Taste/Smell: Smell- this had a very light and airy smell with a hint of ginger. Not a lot of extra flavor going on here. You can get some of the fig, just because it’s a unique flavor that isn’t normally in beer. The ginger was there, but just as a slight “bite” on your tongue.

Rating (out of 10): 7 out of 10 but this is the first year they’ve released it, so expect some tweaking of the recipe in the years to come.

Lloyds Christmas Ale

Brian Beer God: Please follow me on Facebook and on my website to see more great pictures and read more reviews on your favorite brews.

Brewelist Advent Calendar Day 19: Blue Point Brewing Company Blueberry Ale

I first had this beer over the Summer, when fruity beer and shandys are all the rage. I had wanted to try something that was imbued with Blueberry flavoring, as it’s one of my favorite fruits and why not just mix it into alcohol? After trying a lot of disappointing offerings, I came across the Blue Point Brewing Company Blueberry Ale and just loved it. I had one and then went out and bought a six pack. It has the right kind of fruit to malt ratio that it’s competitors didn’t offer. As of right now, I have not found a better Blueberry beer.

Brewery Name/Location: Blue Point Brewing Company, Long Island NY

ABV: 4.60%

Style: Frut/Vegetable Beer

Where to find: Your local beer Store

When to find: Seasonal

Taste/Smell: Tastes like a blueberry pie and smells like your grandma’s house if she was someone who baked pies. Otherwise it just smells like a nice bake shop.

Rating (out of 10): 9/10

Blue Point Brewing Company Blueberry Ale

Brewelist Advent Calendar Day 23 – Naught Reawakening and Silversmith Brewing Black Lager

On the 23rd day of Advent, we bring you Naught Awakening and Black Lager from Silversmith Brewing! This episode of the podcast goes through an unusual pairing of craft beer and indie game. Enjoy the episode below and let us know what you think!

Grab the game on STEAM or on Mobile devices and the brew exclusively at Silversmith Brewing.

Check our Facebook page for updates, along with our Twitter and Instagram. We also have an UnTappd account where you can see what we’re drinking; and you can catch us on iTunes for your listening pleasure.

Any ideas you have for a game to play and a drink to go along with it? Email us: brewelist@gmail.com.

Stay Thirsty and Play Indie!

~Casey and Jackie

Brewelist Advent Calendar Day 21: Kona Brewing Company Pipeline Porter

Beer: Pipeline Porter

Brewery Name/Location: Kona Brewing Company, Hawaii

ABV: 5.3%

Style: Porter

Where to find: Beers of The World, Wegmans

Taste/Smell: Rich Earth flavor, with a light coffee scent.

Thoughts: When my company sent me on a day trip to California I found a brewing company called Kona Brewing Company and had some of the most amazing beer I have ever had with Koko Brown. I hunted and hunted for it in Rochester with no luck before finding Kona’s Longboard Lager which was a good beer from this company. Viewing Kona’s selection this winter I was excited to find they brought a new beer to the Rochester area, the Pipeline Porter. This may be the best beer from Kona yet, made using coffee beans from Kona Coffee, which may be the best coffee bean out there. The coffee flavor is quite strong and earth, but really makes this beer a great porter from the Kona Brewing Company. One things for sure, Hawaii sure knows how to do drinks right, so take some time to grab a 6 pack and your longboard, and go ride the pipeline.

Rating (out of 10): 9/10


By: Jake Duell, @snakesbeard