Brewelist: Where Indie Video Games and Craft Beer Unite

Once Upon a Time, many Blue Moons ago, I came to the realization that my friends, family and comrades were asking me for video game and beer suggestions.

Recognizing that these two ‘hobbies’ of mine were a perfect combination, coupled with my inherent laziness, I thought “why not bring the two of them together like I do in real life?”

I approached my friend and colleague, Casey and pitched the idea to him. He was immediately on board and thus Brewelist was born.

So why craft beer and indie video games, you may ask? Well, both are exploding and can be intimidating to a novice. Both are born of love for their craft and take risks. Both are communities of creators who support each other.

And, well, we’ve been known to enjoy both together. We imagine we’re not alone.

Deep in the heart of Western New York, we’re surrounded by a blossoming craft beer community and benefit from having contributors from across the country who will be filling us in on what’s brewing in their area.

I have been covering the indie video game scene for two years at and am looking forward to sharing the love with a whole new community. I’ve met a lot of indie game creators through PAX and the internet and am thrilled to share their labors with you.

Casey has been blogging since before I knew him and also appreciates a good brew. 

Have a game you think we should check out? A beer we must try? Let us know. Email brewelist at gmail dot com.

Thanks for stopping by. Join us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes and Stitcher. Like what you see and hear? Tell a friend, we’d love to have them along for the ride.

Your New Drinking Buddies,

Jackie “The Myrrick” Beiter & Casey “Chaz Voltaire” Bowker


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